Usta Kasap’s opening and closing hours vary depending on the day and season.
In the summer, weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 09:00 – 20:00, Friday and Saturday 09:00 – 20:00.
In the winter, our opening and closing hours vary depending on the day.
At Usta Kasap, we offer our visitors delicious meat varieties, barbecue package and fire-lighting service. Before moving to the grill area, you can buy our barbecue package and have your fire prepared and cook in the specially designed chimney system in the barbecue and grill area.
There is no price difference for day visitors who stay at Longosphere.
Usta Kasap, where meats cut in accordance with the standards are sold in hygienic environments, always offers fresh and quality products. You can cook the meats you buy from Usta Kasap in the barbecue and grill area as you wish.